I made some fan art jokers recently, and I wanted to share the template I created for others to use. I couldn’t find a post that already had a template and stuff, so I hope this is helpful. You have to have GIMP (or other editors that can open .xcf) to use it, but GIMP is free and cool.

Joker Template I made: Use notes: If you draw the joker pixel perfect, scale them up by X8 and paste them over the example. The text box will give you a warning. You will have to use the “Drop Shadow” effect in the filters tab to get the shadow under the Joker’s name if you want that.

Balatro Color palette:

Reference sheet of all the jokers + goodies: This ref sheet has the correct pixel size and colors, so it’s super easy to just pull from.

LocalThunk’s post about Joker Design Guidelines:

Credit for Background :

Credit for Font: (I think you’ll also have to download this and import it to GIMP for this to work) Font is free with attribution

NEW- Link to a Joker Description Maker Tool, no download required:

I built some of this stuff basically from scratch, so it’s not %100 accurate to the real, official game art, if you’re a stickler. Just thought it would be helpful. If you do use this, please tag me or link to the template, so other people can find and use it. Thanks!