Crazy. That’s effectively prohibition, and we all know what that does to black and grey markets.
I have given up on trying to fight my nicotine addiction. Vape with homemade liquid because I’m cheap and I want to know what’s in it. Smoke pipes and occasionally a cigar as I really love tobacco. May grow my own tobacco at some point just to play with it. (From the US)
Anyhow, potato vines contain useful amounts of nicotine that can be extracted and used in e-liquid. Atomizers can be easily made from nichrome wire. If you can’t get it direct, guitar strings can be a source of wire after burn off. Vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol are easy to get anywhere.
First eggs, now coffee?
Man, my breakfast is getting real slim nowadays.
It’s like those people saying quit your every day coffee/breakfast/lunch/cigarette and you will afford a house.
Time to start the french special: bred, butter, jam and a cigarette.
With these tobacco prices??
It’s $46USD for a 25 pack of Winnie Blues in Australia right now.
Holy shit! At that point, you could probably turn a profit growing shitty tobacco in a greenhouse and selling it black market.
The black market is bigger than the legitimate market. It’s out of control.
We even effectively banned vapes. They can only be legally dispensed by a pharmacy, and the pharmacists want nothing to do with it.
Crazy. That’s effectively prohibition, and we all know what that does to black and grey markets.
I have given up on trying to fight my nicotine addiction. Vape with homemade liquid because I’m cheap and I want to know what’s in it. Smoke pipes and occasionally a cigar as I really love tobacco. May grow my own tobacco at some point just to play with it. (From the US)
Anyhow, potato vines contain useful amounts of nicotine that can be extracted and used in e-liquid. Atomizers can be easily made from nichrome wire. If you can’t get it direct, guitar strings can be a source of wire after burn off. Vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol are easy to get anywhere.
This is the kind of useful information I would expect from someone with handle like
But seriously, I cannot believe how much those prices are in Oz for cigarettes.