The obsession with right wing leaders to look masculine while having absolutely no clue on how to actually be a manly man is fascinating.
That photo is the fourth gayest shit I’ll see all week.
Do you keep a running ranking?
Do you not?
I feel like part of the problem is that people don’t expect fascism to be so goddamn pathetic. They see obvious morons like this or Trump, and they struggle to imagine how they could possibly be dangerous.
I guess the lesson from history here is that just because they’re ridiculous it doesn’t make them any less dangerous.
Can anyone explain WTF he was wearing motorcycle goggles in this photo? “Working” without a shirt, okay, sure, he wants a sunburn, that’s his problem. But goggles? Is this some proto-cybergoth bullshit?
Actually, that is probably exactly what he was going for. Mussolini was a huge proponent of the Italian Futurist movement, and he had a lot of weird ideas about what was futuristic. Stuff like, “In the future, people will make their clothes out of milk.” Anyway, aviation and representing aviation was a huge part of that, and he frequently used it in his propaganda.
FWIW, Caesin can be turned into a fiber (trade names include Aralac and Lanital when turned into fabric,) which could conceivably be used as clothing.
It’s also one of the earliest plastics (used in buttons and jewelry,)
Dude had some weird body proportions.
He’s the older idea of ‘barrel chested’.
Now slightly updated to Elon Musk’s ‘low poly truck chested’.
the high waist pants doesn’t help.
It’s funny that they went out of fashion at the same time people started getting fat
High rise trousers belt above the hips, giving no chance of showing a plumber’s crack, holding them up solidly