Are you sure? Didn’t he suspect since basically the night of the scar incident that Voldemort left a remnant of some kind on Harry?
The Slughorn memory of the horcrux in the half blood prince is not a revelation, just a confirmation. He got the ring before that. It’s not quite clear when exactly Dumbledore learned about Voldemort making horcruxes, but it was definitely long before we as readers learn about it.
There is no real evidence to your claim that he doesn’t know at year 2 already, he might already be in the mode of “knows but hopes there is still time to let him be a child”.
Iirc it was when Voldemort was unable to kill Harry at the end of the 4th year that Dumbledore realized that there was probably a horcrux inside Harry?
I thought it was Draco’s sexual frustration in finding Harry so attractive but knowing that he’s hetero that made him compensate by trying to put him down so as to be able to think “he’s such a shitty guy, I don’t want to have anything to do with someone like that anyway”
I mean why else would he have his sex toys Crabbe and Goyle with him all the time otherwise, right?
Are you sure? Didn’t he suspect since basically the night of the scar incident that Voldemort left a remnant of some kind on Harry?
The Slughorn memory of the horcrux in the half blood prince is not a revelation, just a confirmation. He got the ring before that. It’s not quite clear when exactly Dumbledore learned about Voldemort making horcruxes, but it was definitely long before we as readers learn about it.
There is no real evidence to your claim that he doesn’t know at year 2 already, he might already be in the mode of “knows but hopes there is still time to let him be a child”.
Iirc it was when Voldemort was unable to kill Harry at the end of the 4th year that Dumbledore realized that there was probably a horcrux inside Harry?
I’m definitely not well versed enough in Potter lore to continue this further 🤣
This is the part where you make things up. Draco knew Harry was a horcrux and that’s why he was such a dick to him.
I thought it was Draco’s sexual frustration in finding Harry so attractive but knowing that he’s hetero that made him compensate by trying to put him down so as to be able to think “he’s such a shitty guy, I don’t want to have anything to do with someone like that anyway”
I mean why else would he have his sex toys Crabbe and Goyle with him all the time otherwise, right?
Unexpected !
Of course that’s a thing :)
Draco was a dick to Harry because he had a crush on him.
! is that way.
Isn’t it after Harry describes how Young Voldemort emerged from the diary in the Chamber of Secrets?