I can’t believe nobody has done this list yet. I mean, there is one about names, one about time and many others on other topics, but not one about languages yet (except one honorable mention that comes close). So, here’s my attempt to list all the misconceptions and prejudices I’ve come across in the course of my long and illustrious career in software localisation and language technology. Enjoy – and send me your own ones!

  • fluckx@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    Geolocation is an accurate way to predict the user’s language.

    This makes me so angry. It really really really really really does.

    Despite setting everything to English I still get my receipts in French. And all because my IP is CG-NAT to the capital which is marked as french speaking.

    What is so hard about letting me decide. The absolute fucking arrogance thinking you as a company know better than me in which language I would like to be served.

    Eat a dick Microsoft.

    • Ashen44@lemmy.ca
      3 days ago

      For real. I’ve seen the fingerprinting info, I know your website can see what language I’ve set, so display your website in that language!