Yep! That’s how I started too. The student teacher installed a bunch of programs for us, and I started editing them and making my own games, like black jack. In high school, I modded my calculator with custom firmware that allowed you to cut/copy and go to lines when editing a program instead of holding down an arrow. I used this a ton as I was making a poker program that used the graph to draw the cards out. It took over half of the RAM, and I regularly backed it up. My calculator crashed hard and couldn’t boot up, so I wasn’t able to finish it.
fuck, I remember now I unironically wrote code on my ti84 before I knew what coding was or how it worked at all
not that it’s complicated in any way
IIRC you write in “TI Basic” which is very human readable
Yep! That’s how I started too. The student teacher installed a bunch of programs for us, and I started editing them and making my own games, like black jack. In high school, I modded my calculator with custom firmware that allowed you to cut/copy and go to lines when editing a program instead of holding down an arrow. I used this a ton as I was making a poker program that used the graph to draw the cards out. It took over half of the RAM, and I regularly backed it up. My calculator crashed hard and couldn’t boot up, so I wasn’t able to finish it.
Yeah I was reading that and I hit everything on the right side except, writes innovative software…
And that’s only because I’m not good enough at coding.
I wrote a rudimentary roguelike on the TI Nspire