Yep. Can confirm.
A landlord working? in what world?
They hire someone else and bill the last tenant
Eh, individual landlords that try to save money by doing it (badly) themselves still exist. I had one for a while.
Yeah, and they still charge a professional fee to the last tenant even though they did it horribly for half the cost
Hopefully the last tenant tells the landlord to pound sand as there wasn’t a written agreement.
That’s why that take your deposit up front.
Eh, small landlords do that.
They usually invest in property to secure funds for retirement, and to fund kids college, and basically afford life costs. Some actually have a regular job on top of this landlord “investment” thing going on. They mostly fix things by themselves because its cheaper (and sometimes the job is done poorly). Their “frugal” behavior is carried over from their personal lives into their rental bussiness, because they grew up in poverty.
I mean, honestly, its not “landlord bad”, its more of “capitalism bad”. Landlords exist because capitalism fucks everyone and everyone is trying to get ahead, any means necessary. So some become landlords. I mean, to understand their perspective, they don’t view it as wrong because they think “if it’s legal, then its okay”. That’s literally what society tells everyone.
I mean, these “small landlords” won’t need to hoard properties if society has UBI, retirement funds that policitians aren’t trying to cut all the time, free college, socialized healthcare, people actually being able to afford living, etc.
Direct your anger towards capitalism, taking out your anger on these landlords (especially the small ones) is a waste of time, aim for the politicians and the top 1%.
Found the landlord
Landlords are bad.
I personally think it’s capitalism that’s to blame, not landlords. I have generally been lucky with having nice landlords though, who aren’t bastards.
Found the landlord
do you find it improbable that I have had good experiences with landlords?
I’m sure your fellow landlords treat you very well.
so you’re just close-minded then. I wish I was a landlord.
Yes, landlords do the things they do because of capitalism. Their existence is due to capitalism. But that doesn’t mean they’re not to blame. They choose to be landlords.
Your anecdotal experience of nice landlords doesn’t cover the fact that landlords, traditionally, have been bastards to their tenants. There’s a reason many countries have had to implement laws like third party deposit schemes and standards for things like smoke alarms, heating systems, etc in rented accommodation.
Landlords are bastards because of capitalism but that doesn’t wash away the fact that landlords are bastards.
Okay, but “ACAB” makes sense because even the “good” cops enable the bad system. But how does ALAB make sense? The good landlords are just… good landlords. The landlord performs a useful service by buying and renting out the property which would be too expensive for renters to otherwise have access to. Obviously things would be better if there weren’t a need for landlords, but that’s hardly the fault of the landlord. What exactly is the (good) landlord doing that is enabling a bad system overall?
Hoarding living accommodation for the purpose of profit.
Landlording for an office or shop could perhaps be justified to be for-profit but housing is a human requirement and hoarding it for-profit is unethical. All landlords are bastards, unless by some unlikely chance they’re running their business as a nonprofit.
There are other human requirements too, but it’s only landlords that get the bad press.
Monkey paw, there are no landlords – now almost nobody can afford to live anywhere. For this reason, shouldn’t one blame the housing market (and all its participants) as a whole, not just the ones who rent out their properties?
Of course, if we can socialize housing, or at least require that if you own a house you must live in it, that would be the best. But in the meantime, I don’t really see the objective problem that landlords specifically are causing, they seem to be doing a service to everyone as far as I can tell. I blame the high price of housing instead.
My last one literally said we might find the paint still damp and tacky.