Not everywhere in the USA is bad, especially in metro areas. I’ve got 10Gbps symmetric for US$40 where I live (San Francisco Bay Area, via, and there’s a few providers throughout the country (mainly smaller ones) that have similar price points. Some cities are lucky and have municipal internet, where the city provides the internet as a non-profit.
Not everywhere in the USA is bad, especially in metro areas. I’ve got 10Gbps symmetric for US$40 where I live (San Francisco Bay Area, via, and there’s a few providers throughout the country (mainly smaller ones) that have similar price points. Some cities are lucky and have municipal internet, where the city provides the internet as a non-profit.
we have sonic, we left Xfinity of thier outrageous tiered pricing BS with bundling.
Holy shit they have speeds that fast for residential??? I’m over here thinking I’m living like a king with 1Gbps symmetric for $80 in south Texas.
sonic is pretty good 10gps. it appears only on the west coast though. and its 40$, we switched like 10yo ago, when sonic was just new.
cries in $60 for 50/20 D: