Won’t help you in a case like Destiny 2, where all the content is hosted online by Bungie and they decided to completely remove 1/2 of the original base game plus the first few expansions.
That only works until stop killing games is passed and forces game devs to release the code for running servers for the games yourselves after the official server(s) close down. Like how City of Heroes/Villians works now.
I buy hard drives, it is the best way to own a physical copy of media. Arr
Won’t help you in a case like Destiny 2, where all the content is hosted online by Bungie and they decided to completely remove 1/2 of the original base game plus the first few expansions.
Easy, keep your money and buy games from devs who don’t suck.
That only works after you’ve found out the developer is a scumbag though
That only works until stop killing games is passed and forces game devs to release the code for running servers for the games yourselves after the official server(s) close down. Like how City of Heroes/Villians works now.
This is the way