Unfortunately as a kid with an iron and too much free time I’ve picked enough old PCBs clean to the point that I’ve collected so many single-purpose inductors I’ve had to throw a lot of them out.
I really think there should be more guides like this spread far and wide. Would have done me good to have a video like this ten years ago.
Unfortunately less and less parts are discrete now. I can understand what someone is doing on screen when I watch a NES repair but most current day devices use tiny SMDs. I understand why, but it is different.
Unfortunately as a kid with an iron and too much free time I’ve picked enough old PCBs clean to the point that I’ve collected so many single-purpose inductors I’ve had to throw a lot of them out.
I really think there should be more guides like this spread far and wide. Would have done me good to have a video like this ten years ago.
Unfortunately less and less parts are discrete now. I can understand what someone is doing on screen when I watch a NES repair but most current day devices use tiny SMDs. I understand why, but it is different.