Starship Troopers had the highest survival rate, so that one.
Absolutely not The Thing because you have no idea if escaping means the end of the world. You’d have to murder suicide the whole place.
Aliens… Maybe. It’s survivable, but just barely. You’d probably want to hold a live grenade with the pin pulled the whole time, so you’d at least never have to be brought back to the queen.
the last one references the Thing I think. What about the 2 former ones?
Also this meme made me notice the reference to Lovecraft’s at the Mountains of Madness. There is a McMurdo Sound, which I now cannot think about without hearing Wayne June’s beautiful voice in my head. RIP.
I’m more into central American rainforests.
If it bleeds we can kill it.
I hear just outside McMurdo, if you dig down a bit, you’ll find an ancient outpost.
Or maybe an immortal woman with magical healing abilities.
Don’t know why, but the phrase, “some aquatic tart” popped in my head when I read this.