This new type of male belongs to the periodic table of elements. Known for their magnetic charm and iron will above all other types, scientists call this new type Fe Males!!!
Could you secretly be a Fe Male???
Iron males is something I can imagine some incel dreaming up. It might be a fun troll.
Among the extreme right, being ironpilled refers to working out in preparation for the impending race war.
How can i sign up to be Iron Man?
It’s easier than you think! Tony Stark became Iron Man by wearing a special suit, right? That’s the secret!
That’s right! You can upgrade your manhood today simply by dressing like a Fe Male! Confused? Don’t worry! There are plenty of resources available! Simply Google “how to dress like a FeMale” and follow whatever results you find without question!
Huh, neat!
Alpha Males think they’re top shit, but it’s the Gamma Male that’s guaranteed to penetrate me
I despise xi males, they have the worst Greek letter.
I hope you didn’t mean it, but that is a really gross sentence with a slur phonetically.
That’s… Not how you pronounce xi
Huh? Phonetically it could sound like “ze males” with a thick German accent but that’s not what I meant.
I quote:
No one likes xi. It is impossible to write, I mean which great mind thought it would be a good idea to turn a tornado into a letter, simply preposterous.
Edit: I can kinda see where the slur is now, bur that’s not how you pronounce (the Greek letter) “xi”. Xi is pronounced /zaɪ/ ZY or /(k)saɪ/ (K)SY in English and [ksi] in Greek.
Isn’t the greek equivalent of X Chi while Xi has more of an s sound?
I’m not a Greek expert, I just know what little math has taught me… 😅
The pronunciation thing came directly from Wikipedia because I was unsure how to spell it phonetically in English and then I threw the Greek pronunciation in because that’s how it’s pronounced in German too (since I am German and was only certain about the German pronunciation): Xi (letter)