wayland clipboard
Also kdenlive was still a pain for me to work with, but that was mostly because of its layout, shorcuts, and wording of some features.
Otherwise yeah, we’ve made it pretty far.
The code is already there. Merged soon
“Linux is ready” - which distro? Fractional (sometimes even non-fractional) scaling is a mess. Most things that go beyond changing the wallpaper image need some command line stuff. Linux Desktop is for nerds and definitely not ready.
Yes it works fine if you know what you are doing but most people don’t. There is often not one thing of doing stuff, but hundreds. It already starts with the selection of a distro how would a “non-computer-person” decide on a distro. Just try them out? Install twenty different distros because reasons?
Unless resources are pooled into a single distro to polish it and make a defacto standard for ordinary people, homes and offices, Linux is not ready. If I need the freaking terminal because I want to see the day of the week next to the date it’s not ready.
You could just said you havent used linux, muchacho.
Do some testing. Put a non-technical Windows or Mac user on Linux for a week. Don’t explain anything to them, so they can figure it out on their own. Let me know how it goes.
My grandma is using it without problems. What now?
It certainly sounds like wayland is just about ripe. Any DE recommendations for a lifelong XFCE enjoyer like myself?
KDE or Gnome.
Requirement: let me play the video games I want to play that have anticheat
A stiff requirement
They run well on Linux, go complain to the devs who don’t allow them.
all wife needs is Mahjong and shopping. not like I need to run Mine Sweeper. just a browser with Internet. Most could not install any operating system so charge for the install labor. lan-splaining is a waste of time. bring a book if Mom needs her windows fixed. thinking about putting her on linux when her machine finally pukes.
Don’t worry guys, we’ll never have VR
I still haven’t got discord wayland screen sharing working. (No audio)
Still on vencord in the interim
its in the canary (beta branch). https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035675191-Discord-Testing-Clients
HDR with an Nvidia GPU?
The “extra steps” didn’t make it work for me sadly. I actually tried referencing this thread for solutions a little while ago too, but no luck 😕
This dude is using it without problems. https://lemm.ee/post/55423985/18232530
What about VRR on mutli-monitor setups?
It works now.
Fractional scaling is still a mess
I dont know wtf youre using. KDE has it perfect.
Calling Linux’s version of DVR a “viable video editor” is rich given that a. It doesn’t work on most distros (it’s designed for Rocky Linux. It throws a fit on any other distro. You need to jerry-rig it), requiring a whole thang to get it to play nice; and that b. It doesn’t support any of the video formats and codecs people actually want to use, for seemingly no reason, since the Windows version supports those formats just fine.
KDENLiVe is like, fine for a simple project, but you quickly start hitting your head on its limitations. Plus its UI sucks just in general.
Video editing is the reason I keep a small Windows install, because sometimes I need to do video stuff for work and – Sorry. No. No Linux video editor even compares to the likes of Premiere and Vegas. They’re still barely above Windows Movie Maker.
GIMP is a perfectly serviceable image editor, and yes, GIMP 3 is a major improvement – But it’s kinda missing a lot of things Photoshop users take for granted, and its UI and hotkeys are very idiosyncratic, which makes migrating very hard (… I sorta have the opposite problem though. I learned image editing on GIMP and all my muscle memory is GIMP oriented, so even when I’m on my ‘time to work’ windows install, I only really open PS if I desperately need one of its exclusive functions, cuz otherwise I’d have to relearn my whole workflow)
All on linux DVR https://youtu.be/lm51xZHZI6g
Can someone more plugged in than me show me what I gotta do to get that ‘Discord Wayland sharing’ working? I literally installed Vencord a month ago because every time I tried to share a window or my screen on discord it would hard crash.
just download the canary of linux (beta branch). Itll come to stable after. https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035675191-Discord-Testing-Clients