There are only three. Debian-based, Redhat/Fedora-based, and then the rest nobody cares about…
Here’s a picture of the linux distro family tree:
There’s Debian, the distro.
There’s Redhat/Fedora, which is commercial,
there’s gentoo, where on installation, everything is compiled from source.
There is slackware, mostly for historical purposes (it was the first distro),
there’s arch for
people who want to feel they’re better than otherstinkerers,there is openSUSE, which is like redhat but german.
Slackware is the oldest distribution which is still active. I remember Yggdrasil came before it, and I’m looking it up, I see that Slackware was based on the earlier SLS.
Let’s see what I got.
Debian Ubuntu Mint Fedora Red hat Suse Slackware Gentoo Arch Pop Kali Tails Whonix Lubuntu Kubuntu Manjaro Endeavor Hannah Montana Linux ~~TempleOS~~ (That better? Lmao) AntiX MX Puppy Slax Zorin Silverblue Bazzite SteamOS CentOS Redstar
I know I’m missing some but that should be 10.
TempleOS isn’t a Linux distro