I tried to usw this for my home folder in my daily driver, but it just did not work for me.
I’m now trying out the PARA system, and Iike it better.
I should also add I use obsidian.md for basically everything having to do with files/folders/organization, so I do have all sorts of tags, auto-updated tables, etc. So a simpler file structure suits me better.
Call me a skeptic, but I think offering “hyper-organization” as a solution to those too lazy to organize is probably a non-starter.
Today: reorganize all your files according to this ✨ new✨ system
Tomorrow: forget everything you did yesterday. Your spouse can’t find shit.
50 years later: your kids and grandkids can’t find a fucking thing, wonder what the hell you were thinking
Every month I throw out the old system and start over.
Should be a word for that.
idk, it seems I’ll have a similar set of problems I already have with organizing files. If I have health expense documents, is that “health”, “me”, or “money”? What about travel expense receipts? Or [pick any two categories that may overlap]?
That’s why I prefer using tags or labels: they don’t force you to make a mutually exclusive choice.
I like the “no more than ten” principle though; when organizing a file tree I try to aim for up to 5 or 6 items in a given directory, as I tend to notice the friction when choosing among more than a handful.