Oops, all work emails
Armful of :3
Do I gotta have it all in Arial? A boring font may fit my style, but it sure as fuck won’t look good
“Don’t pull into an intersection unless you can fing clear it”
Bit large for a tattoo
my sayings: (this is probably embarassing)
- I gotta go I gotta go I gotta get outta here
- I’m on the move I’m on the move I’m always on the move
- some people call me a space cowboy (not really)
- woo yeah baby that’s what I’ve been waiting for that’s what it’s all about
- clearly (used jokingly)
- does he know?
- dear god…
- FUCK YOU, I hope your ENTIRE FAMILY has a nice christmas (I use this one online more than in real life)
- I may be stupid,
- get real
- scheisse (the only german I understand)
Unpopular opinion, but I think tattoos are ugly. They look like a blemish that you should consult a dermatologist about.
Really depends on the tattoo
I agree, however I genuinely could not care less about what people do with their bodies.
Me and my sister are gonna get this with her cat and my cat that both caught an (at the time) 100% fatal disease from the pound and passed away
pro tip: ask people with tattoos what they’re for, it’s good smalltalk and usually it’s either wholesome or funny.
I don’t really have an opinion on tattoos in general. Although, if I were to get a tattoo, it would have important medical information that does not change over time, such as my blood type.
same for earrings
apparently they have some stimulating effects for some people, but not for me. they’re literally piercing your skin?! what madness is that.
yes because i talk a lot and black is beautiful 💖